Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sailing Away

Sometimes life presents you with opportunities you just can't pass up. Especially, when that opportunity is a evening cruise on a yacht. Thanks to my husbands clients we were lucky enough to enjoy such pleasure. Xavier, even got his turn at the captains chair.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Baby Food Fun

Introducing solid foods to Xavier has been a fun process. I've only been preparing homemade solids. Although, I should call it Homemade Mash there is nothing "solid" about anything he eats.

Yes, it takes a little longer then just popping open a jar from the store but there is something fun about fixing your child's first eats. The important thing is making time to prep a few meals for the week vs trying to make new things everyday.

I found a great book filled with recipes and tips on what foods should be introduced when. I usually set aside some time on Sunday to cook, puree, and freeze a couple of different types of veggies this way I can mix his meals up during the week.

On the menu this week zucchini and squash.

The book I bought is "The best Homemade Baby Food on the Planet" by Karin Knight R.N. & Tina Ruggiero M.S. R.D. L.D.