Saturday, May 21, 2011

Where does the time GO!

Wow, it looks like I'm officially just a quarterly blogger. Time goes fast and there are so many other things I get side tracked on when I sit down at the computer. I appreciate those who blog everyday, I have yet to be able to accomplish that. It's also hard when you have this little guy looking at you while you're at the computer wasting precious play time.

What have I been doing? Finding a good balance between working 40 hours in an office and working endless hours at home. Some days are harder then others but I think after being back to work for just over a month I've found a balance. The key is keeping things organized and the dishes must always be washed and put away.I know dishes should be the least of my worries but it sends me over the edge if there are dirty plates in the sink. I must get this from my grandmother. It also helps to have a husband who is very helpful and will wake up at 2am to put the Binky back in the kids mouth so I can sleep just a little longer.